CME Listings

CME Listings

OB/GYN: A Comprehensive Review

» OB/GYN: A Comprehensive Review
Publisher: CMEInfo
Credit Hours: 31.5
Credit Type: AMA PRA Category 1
Format: Online Video, CD, MP3 DVD MP4
Price: $995 - $1,395
Release Date: June 15, 2014 00:00
Expiration Date: 6/15/2017

The OB/GYN: A Comprehensive Review program focuses on everyday yet complex obstetric and gynecologic medical problems and targets concepts where the quality of care can be advanced. Medical topics to be addressed in individual lectures and interactive case-based learning include: termination of pregnancy, abnormal uterine bleeding, pelvic pain, endometriosis, sexually transmitted diseases, uterine fibroids/myomas, contraception for women with medical problems, vulvar disorders, vaginitis, pelvic organ prolapse, polycystic ovary syndrome, infertility, sexual dysfunction, menopausal symptoms, cervical dysplasia, cancer of the genital tract, preconception counseling, drugs and medication use during pregnancy, chronic and complex medical problems in pregnancy, thrombophilias and venous thrombosis in women, diabetes in pregnancy, preterm labor, twin and triplet pregnancy, obstetrical hemorrhage, preeclampsia and management of labor and delivery.
For above topics, nationally recognized and clinically active professionals identified the gaps in their area of expertise. Gaps are identified by the experts based on the observed pattern of practice in their community and the gaps in care received by patients who are referred to them for consultation, and also by understanding what the scientific evidence states should be done in practice and what is done in community practice.

A specific example of a gap between current and recommended practice is in cervical cancer screening. Since 2009, recommendations by ASCCP suggest cervical cancer screening with a PAP smear be initiated at age 21 years. However, based upon retrospective summary of claims data across the United States in 2010, more than 55% of women under 21 years underwent cervical cancer screening. Furthermore, national guidelines recommend cervical cancer screening every 3 years for women ages 21-29 years, while a January 2013 publication by MMWR reported a 36% increase amongst women who have never been screened in this age population. Our carefully selected faculty will discuss the most updated cervical cancer screening guidelines as well as outline appropriate treatment and follow-up for cervical dysplasia.

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