CME Listings
Physical Medicine CME and Board Review Courses
Found 4 listings

40th Annual Comprehensive Review of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Publisher: Health e Galaxy
Credit Hours: 35.5
Credit Type: AMA PRA Category 1
Format: Online streaming, Video (DVD, MP4), Audio (CD, MP3)
Price: $995 - $2,595
Release Date: May 1, 2015 00:00
Expiration Date: 5/1/2017
Summary: Following is a list of needs in the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation field that will be discussed throughout this course: Based on previous evaluations, there is still a need for more hands on training with EMG, including examinations on Myopathies and Motor Neuron Disease and Radiculopathies.
Traumatic Brain Injury is still under recognized, and due to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the incidence has increased because of better technology and equipment used by our armed forces.
Separately, physiatry has expanded over the past decades to include an interest in Musculoskeletal and sports medicine, including sports-related concussion.
Clinicians need to be aware of [...]
Categories List: Cardiology Pharmacology Physical Medicine Pulmonary Sports Medicine

Comprehensive Review of Pain Medicine
Publisher: CMEInfo
Credit Hours: 34
Credit Type: AMA PRA Category 1
Format: Online Video, CD, MP3, DVD MP4
Price: $1,295 - $1,695
Release Date: June 30, 2015 00:00
Expiration Date: 6/30/2018
Summary: The Comprehensive Review of Pain Medicine course includes lectures in over 35 dimensions of pain management. The objective is to provide an inclusive guide to the incidence and economic impact, legal considerations concerning pain management, assessment of the pain patient, and review of treatment. The course also includes detailed lectures on typical pain problems and specialized methods for certain patient groups. This program is designed to provide the learner with tools necessary to improve care in his/her clinical practice.
Categories List: Anesthesiology General Medicine Neurology Pain Medicine Physical Medicine Psychiatry

LIVE VIRTUAL LEARNING SERIES: Treating Chronic Pain While Managing Risk
Publisher: PainCareLive
Credit Hours: 4
Credit Type: AMA PRA Category 1
Format: Online Video
Price: Free
Release Date: February 25, 2015 00:00
Expiration Date: 2/24/2016
Summary: Learning Objectives include: Discuss general and product-specific drug information concerning extended-release and long-acting opioids
Understand when to start, stop and modify dosing
Recognize safe prescribing practices and general drug information
Assess patients in ongoing treatment plans for improved patient safety
Categories List: Physical Medicine Risk Management

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation – A Comprehensive Review
Publisher: CMEInfo
Credit Hours: 27
Credit Type: AMA PRA Category 1
Format: Online Video, CD, MP3 DVD MP4
Price: $1,195 - $1,695
Release Date: November 1, 2015 00:00
Expiration Date: 11/1/2018
Summary: Comprehensive Review of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation is a digitally recorded CME activity (with PowerPoint slides) that summarizes the field of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PM&R) in it's entirety. This course offers the learner the opportunity to improve knowledge, skill and ability in all fields of PM&R. This unique program includes over thirty one-hour lectures presented by acknowledged proessionals in their respective fields, and gives the opportunity to experience the depth and breadth of the quickly evolving field of PM&R. The presentations enhance your ability to evaluate and treat patients. Busy practitioners are able to take [...]
Categories List: Physical Medicine