CME Listings
Pathology CME and Board Review Courses
Found 26 listings

Advanced Dermatopathology
Publisher: CMEInfo
Credit Hours: 16
Credit Type: AMA PRA Category 1
Format: Online Video, DVD, MP4
Price: $895 - $995
Release Date: November 15, 2013 00:00
Expiration Date: 11/15/2016
Summary: Breast Pathology is a program composed of taped lectures, with an emphasis on didactic summaries and case-based, problem-oriented education.
Categories List: Dermatology Pathology

Advanced Thoracic Pathology
Publisher: CMEInfo
Credit Hours: 16
Credit Type: AMA PRA Category 1
Format: Online Video, DVD, MP4
Price: $795 - $995
Release Date: January 15, 2014 00:00
Expiration Date: 1/15/2017
Summary: Advanced Thoracic Pathology is a course intended to discuss the non-neoplastic and neoplastic diseases of the lung, thymus, and other thoracic structures.This program will cover new developments in the dimension of thoracic disease, and discusses a consensus-based approach to diagnosis of various important entities such as thoracic tumors and chronic interstitial lung diseases. The course will also introduce recently described new entities of pulmonary pathology. The use of ancillary techniques such as immunohistochemistry and molecular biology will be emphasized when applicable. Clinical-pathologic correlation is covered in order to stress the clinical significance of pathology findings.
Categories List: Pathology

Anatomic and Clinical Pathology Board Review Questions and Practice Tests
Publisher: BoardVitals
Format: Interactive Online Question Bank
Price: $129/month, $399/6 months
Summary: Comprehensive Pathology study program is targeted towards the Pathology Board Exam, Pathology MOC exams, and in-service exams. Program materials are provided on computers, laptops, tablets and mobile devices. The course equips learners with over 1400 Pathology Review questions complete with detailed explanations. Our AP/CP Board Review program discusses course materials from CP-Microbiology to AP-Cardiovascular, and many more. Explore our Pathology board review guide here. Topics discussed include: CP-Microbiology, AP-Lab Management, AP-Pediatric, AP-Alimentary Tract, AP-Heme and Lymph Nodes, and more. CME credits are not applicable for this board review. Pathology Board Review Questions Include Hundreds of High-Quality Images
Covers Anatomic and Clinical [...]
Categories List: Pathology

Bone Pathology – A Comprehensive Review
Publisher: CMEInfo
Credit Type: AMA PRA Category 1
Format: Online Video, DVD MP4
Price: $895 - $1,250
Release Date: November 20, 2015 00:00
Expiration Date: 11/20/2018
Summary: Course Objectives: Understand the morphology and cellular biology of osteoblasts and osteoclasts
Appreciate how the skeleton is created, develops, grows and remodels throughout life
Recognize and correctly diagnose benign and malignant bone tumors
Have familiarity with the pathologic manifestations of metabolic bone disease and joint disorders
Categories List: Pathology

Breast Pathology – Masters of Pathology Series
Publisher: CMEInfo
Credit Hours: 13.25
Credit Type: AMA PRA Category 1
Format: Online Video, DVD, MP4
Price: $895
Release Date: September 15, 2015 00:00
Expiration Date: 9/15/2018
Summary: Breast Pathology is a detailed overview of the current concepts and practice of breast pathology in the United States. The atendees will be provided with information regarding the everyday laboratory quality issues, diagnostic criteria, and practice skill set that is vital in breast pathology.
Categories List: Breast Cancer Oncology Pathology

Central Nervous System Pathology – A Comprehensive Review
Publisher: CMEInfo
Credit Hours: 14
Credit Type: AMA PRA Category 1
Format: DVD; Online Streaming;
Price: $895-$1,1250
Release Date: October 1, 2015 00:00
Expiration Date: 10/1/2018
Summary: Central Nervous System Pathology - A Comprehensive Review has been designed to help practicing and training pathologists prepare for neuropathology and pathology board exams. The program covers a variety of topics, including introduction to neuroanatomy and neurohistology, pathology of CNS infection, approaches to intraoperative consultation, and neurogenerative diseases, such as dementia and movement disorders, amongst others. The program is also beneficial for trainees and physicians working in neurology, pediatric neurology, neurosurgery, neuro-oncology, and psychiatry. Conveniently earn up to 14 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ from the comfort of your home or office with Central Nervous System Pathology - A [...]

Comprehensive Review of Blood Banking
Publisher: CMEInfo
Credit Hours: 13
Credit Type: AMA PRA Category 1
Format: Online Video
Price: $895
Release Date: August 1, 2015 00:00
Expiration Date: 8/1/2018
Summary: The Comprehensive Review of Blood Banking was developed with the demands and responsibilities of pathologists in evaluating and understanding immunohematology lab tests and deciding on correct use of blood components in mind. Lectureres will discuss the imperative need to understand the expectations and review guidelines in dealing with daily transfusion medicine. Presentors will also discuss the latest information on blood group serology and molecular advancements, in addition to patient blood management with evidence-based utilization decisions. The course covers not only the use blood components, but also the safe and correct use of blood derived factors and Rh Immunoglobin for [...]
Categories List: Hematology Pathology

Comprehensive Review of Cardiovascular Pathology
Publisher: CMEInfo
Credit Hours: 14
Credit Type: AMA PRA Category 1
Format: Online Video, CD, MP3 DVD MP4
Price: $895 - $995
Release Date: December 1, 2014 00:00
Expiration Date: 12/1/2017
Summary: Comprehensive Review of Cardiovascular Pathology provides learners with a modern understanding of cardiovascular diseases. This discussion offers the latest in cardiac tumor and vasculidities involving medium size and large vessels using the latest classifications, and also offers an update on the handling of endomyocardial biopsies and how to decipher these, including the use of immunohistochemical stains. Also, an review on classification of cardiac rejection will be discussed and illustrated, and pitfalls discussed.
Categories List: Cardiology Pathology

Comprehensive Review of Endocrine Pathology
Publisher: CMEInfo
Credit Hours: 10.5
Credit Type: AMA PRA Category 1
Format: Online Video, DVD, MP4
Price: $795 - $895
Release Date: July 15, 2014 00:00
Expiration Date: 7/15/2017
Summary: Comprehensive Review of Endocrine Pathology gives a comprehensive view of what pathologists in the Endocrine field encounter on a daily basis:
Parathyroid Pituitary
Adrenal cortex
Thyroid [...]
Categories List: Endocrinology Pathology

Comprehensive Review of Soft Tissue Pathology
Publisher: CMEInfo
Credit Hours: 13
Credit Type: AMA PRA Category 1
Format: Online Video, CD, MP3 DVD MP4
Price: $895 - $995
Release Date: September 1, 2014 00:00
Expiration Date: 9/1/2017
Summary: Comprehensive Review of Soft Tissue Pathology will discuss most soft tissue entities.
Categories List: Pathology

Current Topics in Gastrointestinal and Liver Pathology
Publisher: CMEInfo
Credit Hours: 11.75
Credit Type: AMA PRA Category 1
Format: Online Video, DVD
Price: $895-$995
Release Date: December 1, 2015 00:00
Expiration Date: 11/30/2018
Summary: Current Topics in Gastrointestinal and Liver Pathology is designed for pathologists and pathology residents.
Categories List: Gastroenterology Hepatology Pathology

Cytopathology: A Comprehensive Review
Publisher: CMEInfo
Credit Type: AMA PRA Category 1
Format: Online Video
Price: $895
Summary: The Cytopathology: A Comprehensive Review program intends to help prepare pathologists for participation in the American Board of Pathology and re-certification examinations.
This program offers updated knowledge and practical guidelines for pathologists dealing with cytology specimens in addition to reviewing the current consensus diagnostic terms and guidlelines for pathological reporting.
Categories List: Pathology

Dermatopathology: A Comprehensive Review
Publisher: CMEInfo
Credit Hours: 13
Credit Type: AMA PRA Category 1
Format: Video- DVD MP4
Price: $795 - $895
Release Date: August 1, 2014 00:00
Expiration Date: 8/1/2017
Summary: Developed by the Oakstone Institute and designed as part of a series of comprehensive summaries, this course condenses the ample dermatopathology field down to a precise series of discussions that gives attendees the opportunity to successfully interpret the majority of cutaneous biopsies typically encountered in routine practices. Topics of discussions include dermatopathology, cytopathology, blood banking, and molecular genetics.
Categories List: Dermatology Pathology

Gastrointestinal Pathology – Masters of Pathology Series
Publisher: CMEInfo
Credit Hours: 12.5
Credit Type: AMA PRA Category 1
Format: Online Video
Price: $895 - $995
Release Date: July 31, 2015 00:00
Expiration Date: 7/31/2018
Summary: The Gastrointestinal Pathology course is divided into non-neoplastic and neoplastic pathology of the tubular gastrointestinal tract. Special importance is placed on deciphering biopsies rather than resections, as biopsies are what direct the need for major operations and this, in many aspects, are samples that have the largest impact. In addition to discussion of biopsy interpretation of specific anatomic sites in the tubular gut, there are lectures reviewing issues that comprise the entire gastrointestinal tract, largely iatrogenic injuries and mesenchymal tumors.
Categories List: Gastroenterology Hepatology Pathology

Gynecologic Pathology Masters of Pathology Series
Publisher: CMEInfo
Credit Hours: 17
Credit Type: AMA PRA Category 1
Format: Online Video, DVD, MP4
Price: $895 - $995
Release Date: April 15, 2013 00:00
Expiration Date: 4/15/2016
Summary: Gynecologic Pathology covers, in lecture format and case based presentations, major subjects in Gynecologic Pathology with emphasis on current developments in tumor diagnosis and classification, and the use of ancillary diagnostic methods. Learners will grasp the basis of classification schemes and review the use of differing tools in arriving at the correct diagnosis.
Once the clinical difficulities are briefly reviewed, practitioners will experience macroscopic, histopathological, immunohistochemical, and molecular genetics features of various gynecological cancers in an integrated manner, gaining a broad and contemporary comprehension of the disease, including its detailed histopathological diagnosis, factors influencing prognosis, and treatment.
Categories List: Obstetrics-Gynecology Pathology

Head and Neck Pathology
Publisher: CMEInfo
Credit Hours: 13
Credit Type: AMA PRA Category 1
Format: Online Video, CD, MP3 DVD MP4
Price: $895 - $995
Release Date: April 1, 2014 00:00
Expiration Date: 4/1/2017
Summary: Head and Neck Pathology is a program targeted to cover the notable aspects of Head and Neck Pathology. This program places importance on the most contemporary developments, and current multinational consensus statements endorsed by the top experts of WHO. Emphasis is given to new classifications, identification of new entities, and the use of immunohistochemistry and molecular biology techniques. Discussions include the most vital aspects of pathology of the following anatomic sites and organs: oral cavity, parathyroid, pharynx, larynx, nose and nasal sinuses, neck, thyroid, paraganglia and head and neck lymphoid tissue.
Categories List: Otolaryngology Pathology

Hematopathology: A Comprehensive Review
Publisher: CMEInfo
Credit Hours: 9
Credit Type: AMA PRA Category 1
Format: Online Video, DVD, MP4
Price: $795 - $895
Release Date: May 15, 2014 00:00
Expiration Date: 5/15/2017
Summary: Hematopathology: A Comprehensive Review in lecture format, is a course that discusses major topics in Hematopathology with emphasis on recent developments in diagnosis and classification, and the use of ancillary diagnostic techniques. Learners will gain knowledge of the basis of classification schemes and learn the use of various tools in coming to the correct diagnosis.
Categories List: Hematology Pathology

MELANOMA VIRTUAL EDUCATION SUMMIT: The Evolving Landscape of Advanced Melanoma Treatment
Publisher: OMedLive
Credit Hours: 2
Credit Type: AMA PRA Category 1
Format: Live Course
Price: Free
Release Date: September 22, 2015 00:00
Expiration Date: 3/22/2016
Summary: Topics in the course include Combining Emerging Immunotherapies and Targeted Agents for the Treatment of Melanoma and A Team-Based Approach to Optimizing Outcomes in Melanoma: Managing Immune Response-Related and Dermatologic Side Effects in Patients being Treated with Novel Therapies. These topics are taught by Jeffrey Weber from Donald A. Adam Comprehensive Melanoma Center and Sanjiv Agarwala from Temple University School of Medicine.
Categories List: Dermatology General Surgery Oncology Pathology

Osler Cytology Review Course, April 16 – 18 2015 – Chicago
Publisher: Osler
Credit Hours: 30
Credit Type: AMA PRA Category 1
Format: Live Course
Price: $69 - $325
Summary: This presentation of lectures will be Held at: Holiday Inn Chicago North Shore 5300 W. Touhy Avenue Skokie IL 60077
Topics include, Basic Principles:Introduction and HistorySpecimen ProcurementSpecimen ProcessingImaging ModalitiesSpecial Techniques
General Cytology:Cell StructureCell Activity and InjuryCytology of NeoplasiaChromosomes in NeoplasiaFlow Cytometry
Gynecological Cytology:Endocrine Status CytologyVulva and VaginaBenign Cervical ChangesCervical NeoplasiaEndocervixEndometriumOvary
Other Organs:Urinary TractRespiratory TractGastrointestinalCerebrospinal FluidBody Cavity FluidsBreast and NippleAspiration Cytology
Palpable Lesions:BreastLymph NodesThyroidSalivary GlandsProstate
Nonpalpable Lesions:Lung and PleuraMediastinumLiver and PancreasKidney and AdrenalOvary and TestisBone and Soft TissueOrbit and EyeCentral Nervous System
Categories List: Pathology

Osler Pathology Board Reviews
Publisher: Osler
Credit Hours: 70
Credit Type: AMA PRA Category 1
Format: Live Course
Price: $580 - $1,260
Expiration Date: 2/27/2016
Summary: This comprehensive course is developed to update your clinical knowledge foundation as well as to help you pass your Pathology AP and/or CP exams (certifying or MOC). Emphasis is on fact-based practice and board-relevant standards of care, integrating new concepts and testing strategies in addition to quality control and laboratory management skills. Numerous previous participants found the course offered them with enhanced diagnostic and evaluation skills and helped them recognize weaknesses for further self-study. The program includes didactic lectures with review questions at the conclusion of each topic, esyllabus (containing all PowerPoint® presentations), and designated Q&A [...]
Categories List: Pathology